Ending predatory lending one loan at a time.

Grateful Loan.org White Paper

Pre-settlement Loans- A Market-Based Solution to Predatory Lending

Chris Hackett summarizes the history of the pre-settlement industry, the economics of pre-settlement lending and the Grateful Loan.org's approach to eradicating predatory lending by providing a fairer alternative.

Roger Williams University Law Review: Vol. 17: Iss. 3, Article 2

Litigation Loansharks: A History of Litigation Lending and a Proposal to Bring Litigation Advances Within the Protection of Usury Laws

In this 2012 peer reviewed paper, Jenna Wims Hashway, professor of legal practice at Roger Williams University, gives an excellent overview of the segment of the legal lending industry we are addressing (consumer legal funding to individuals, usually personal-injury plaintiffs). Her paper ends with a model remedial statute.

Rand Institute for Civil Justice

Alternative Litigation Financing in the United States

This paper, authored by Steven Garber in 2010, provides an overview of policy issues related to the legal ethics, social morality, and, especially, potential economic effects of alternative litigation financing (ALF), commonly referred to as "third-party" litigation finance. The paper covers consumer-loans (the target of The Grateful Loan) as well as formal litigation finance targeted to law firms and corporate plaintiffs.


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