Ending predatory lending one loan at a time.

The Grateful Loan.org is a social enterprise established to put a stop to predatory lending in a unique way: provide a fair alternative. We are organized around the principle of radical transparency - we intend to publish our costs of capital, loan default rates, margins on each loan and a host of other data that will be helpful to those interested in eradicating predatory lending using market mechanisms. The Grateful Loan.org is currently a subsidiary of a Delaware C corporation but will eventually be spun-out into a standalone public benefit corporation (PBC).

Our first loan product, the Plaintiff's Pre-settlement Loan, is designed to make loans to personal injury plaintiffs at interest rates that approximate credit card rates. We aggressively look for ways to reduce costs and pass the savings on to borrowers. We also make use of innovative technology including e-checks and electronic signature software which improve customer service, simplify record keeping, speed the lending process and hold costs down. For example:

If you are a plaintiff's attorney or case manager with a client who insists you sign an irrevocable letter of direction for a small loan (i.e., an interest in a case) with usurious terms and ridiculous fees, we can help.

Our credit approval process is fast and we can provide your client with a check, often in less than 24 hours, sans extra fees.

The application is free and there are no upfront costs with our loans.

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© 2015-2016 The Grateful Loan.org, all rights reserved.